#TWKatHome Activities

Celebrate Fall

Welcome to TWKatHome, our fun, free online content that helps kids and families explore food and build positive, healthy eating habits. Each season, we will provide activities and ideas for ways to engage children as they learn about food and where it comes from.

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Hispanic Heritage Month

Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Costa Rica celebrate Independence Days on September 15th.  The diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of the Latinx community are recognized throughout the month.

Enjoy this collection of Latin American recipes!

33 Meals to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Oatmeal and Vegetarian Ceviche

Make a Colorful Lunch

The food we eat throughout the day can help give us energy, improve our concentration and memory, and help us stay strong and well. That is why it’s important to eat a variety of foods during the day. Especially important are fruits and vegetables as well as protein. Whole grains are important too - check out this interesting grain guide.

colorful meal
Lunchbox Bingo

Let's Make Leaf Art!

There are so many fun activities to do with leaves. Leaves are already little pieces of art in themselves with their detailed designs and diverse shapes, sizes, and colors.

  1. Leaf Rubbing- Collect leaves with attractive designs and create your own leaf rubbing design. 
  2. Leaf Wreath
  3. Tree of Leaves
  4. Plant an Acorn
  5. Paint an Acorn
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Let's Pack Our Lunchbox!

Pack a balanced, nutritious AND delicious lunch! If you pack a food from the board in your lunch this month and eat it, mark it off. 5 in a row wins. Play with friends or family! What other healthy foods did you eat in your lunch this month? Write those down in the box at the bottom right corner of your bingo board.

Write a Food Journal

A healthy and regular eating routine can bring balance to your digestion, help you sleep better, and help you to wake up refreshed. Write down the food you eat each day for a week. In addition, write down how you feel after eating and the times during the day when you feel hungry. At the end of the week, reflect on your eating routine. Are there changes to your meal routine you might want to try? You can use the questions below to guide your food journal.

Let's Make Leaf Art

Autumn Equinox Walk

Fall begins on September 23rd with the Autumn Equinox in the northern hemisphere. Celebrate the changing season with a nature walk! Take note of at least 3 things you see that are a sign of autumn. Look high and low.

What's in Season?

September 15th is National Paw Paw Day

Have you ever tried a paw paw? This small tree in the apple custard family tastes kind of like a mango and banana combined. Paw paws are native to Maryland, and while once a staple fruit, and then a forgotten fruit, they are now making a comeback at some Maryland farms. Keep your eye out for paw paws this month, as the harvest season does not last long!

Winter Squash!

Did you know there are more than 300 varieties of squash?

Is a squash a fruit or a vegetable? Botanically, squash are considered fruit, but they are usually prepared and eaten like a vegetable.

What’s the difference between a squash and a gourd? A gourd is used ornamentally and squash are edible.

array of squash and gourds
paw paw
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Conversation Starters

  • How many meals do you eat a day? Which is the most important to you and why?
  • Do you feel hungry before lunch? What could you eat for breakfast to nourish you for the whole morning?
  • What do you pack in your lunchbox? Do you feel hungry before dinner time? What could you add to your lunch to help nourish you and provide you with energy for the afternoon.
  • What is your favorite season and why?
  • What is your favorite fall activity? What do you like to do outside?
  • What changes do you notice outside when summer transitions to fall?
  • Do your daily routines change with fall? In what ways? For example, do you play a fall sport? When the sun goes down earlier, do you spend more time indoors?

Book Recommendations

  • Just Ask! By Sonia Sotomayor and illustrated by Rafael Lopez takes place in a garden where like plants, the children’s differences make the whole community stronger, more interesting, and more fun! 
  • Sometimes Rain by Meg Fleming and illustrated by Diana Sudyka- Children connect with nature while exploring and enjoying their natural environment with the changing seasons. The illustrations come to life with movement in the elements and children depicted on each page.
  • Kalamata’s Kitchen by Sarah Thomas integrates food, culture, and inclusion through adventures with Kalamata and her magical kitchen table.
  • Tomatoes in My Lunchbox by Costantia Manoli tells the story of a young girl who recently immigrated to a new country where she experiences the difficulties of not fitting in and feeling out of place.
  • Call Me Tree/Llamame Arbol by Maya Christina Gonzalez honors the beauty, strength, and diversity of trees and humanity in this bilingual picture book.
  • Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match/Marisol McDonald no combina by Monica Brown tells the story of a vibrant, creative, imaginative girl who loves peanut butter and jelly burritos. This bilingual story emphasizes the messages to “be yourself”, and “you’re wonderful just the way you are.
  • Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez by Kathleen Krull tells the story of Cesar’s life, struggles, successes, and peaceful path in standing up for the basic rights of farm workers. 
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Tomatoes in my Lunchbox book cover
Call Me Tree book cover
Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match book cover
Harvesting Hope book cover

Which Flavors of Fall Have You Tried?

When the weather starts to turn crisp, we may not find as many berries and juicy tomatoes ripening, but there are still so many amazing foods in season right now. Perfect for delicious soups, savory casseroles, hearty salads, and warm baked goods that will keep us fueled and toasty in the chilly weather. Next time you visit the farmers' market or head to your local grocery store, see how many of these fall foods you can find and try!

Fall Harvest Bingo