Our Impact

TasteWise Kids brings individuals, families and communities together around food - inspiring healthy food choices that lead to open mindedness and well-being. We believe kids deserve to know where food comes from, have the knowledge to make their own informed food choices, and to have the skills to prepare their own food.

Baltimore Area 4th graders, received TasteWise Kids at Home; an additional 3,000 stakeholders received TWKatHome activities via email.
of students said they liked or loved salad after completing the virtual Days of Taste program..

“Days of Taste was the first time I liked salad!”

Days of Taste Student

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of families reported that their students tried a new food during our 2020 virtual Days of Taste program.
families got to cook together with one of our take-home salad kits

This word cloud illustrates the most common answers to the written question about what new foods students tried during Days of Taste, with the bigger words representing the most cited foods. It is always astounding and inspiring to see how just one program can introduce students to so many new ingredients and flavors. Paired with our ongoing TWKatHome content and community programs, we're proud to help open up an exciting world of healthy foods to the students and families of the greater Baltimore area.


Our DEI Commitment

At TasteWise Kids, we are committed to embracing and cultivating an environment where diversity, equity and inclusion are prioritized across the communities that we reach through our programming and partnerships. Our commitment is reflected in our leadership and how we operate and communicate as an organization.

Click our 2022 DEI Report to the left to discover more details about reflecting this commitment in our work.